Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Side Bangs?

I just don't get it. Side bangs? Are they really side bangs or just layers? They look like layers to me but Katie & Lily insist they are side bangs and they really wanted them. I needed a new approach because I just didn't think side bangs were the answer for their image.

So I thought I would show them pictures of me when I wanted a perm at age 12. What a trip down memory lane! Katie and Lily both screamed with fright when they saw my curly hair...did this deter them? Sort of.

The day before school started we went to Norton Commons to get the "side bangs." I think after viewing my perm pics they decided to do the more subtle side bang look.

I have to admit...they look pretty darn cute!

One Last Trip Before School Starts

This was our last weekend before school started so off to see my parents in St. Louis. First let me say that I had not been to my parent's house in a VERY long time (too embarrassed to give the date) so my kids were dying to get to Nana & Papa's house. But the first stop was the new St. Louis Cardinal Stadium. We caught a Thursday afternoon game vs the Dodgers. We lost but we had a blast and the weather was great...low humidity!

The rest of the weekend was spent doing things that the kids LOVE to do with them. Ben went hiking with Michael and Papa. He got his own walking stick & backpack! He also wanted to LEAD the hike at all times which wore out Michael & Papa. They were exhausted trying to keep up with him.

Katie, Lily, Nana, and I went shopping. And for all those who know me KNOW that I do NOT like to shop. But my mother loves it so the girls love having this time with her. The kids must have inherited her genes on this matter! I did get a kick out of watching them though.

We also got to visit with our great friends...the Raiche Family. They used to live on our court and recently relocated to St. Louis. The kids really miss their pals as you can see!

All in all we had a wonderful trip to St. Louis. The kids got to have "special grandparent time" and Michael and I got a break from work.