Saturday, November 22, 2008

And Lily's Choice Is.....Car Care?!

I love Springdale Automotive (especially when I'm not having to pay them for car service)!! And I want to tell you why. When you reach the Junior Level of Girl Scouts each girl is responsible for one meeting in which they plan and choose the topic of discussion/learning to earn a badge. Lily was in charge of her first Junior meeting. After she reviewed a very thick book of topics she announced she was focusing on Car Care. I was first a bit shocked BUT her great grandfather was a mechanic and I was told by a guidance counselor in high school that all my personality tests came back as being in a profession of 'mechanics.' What?! I always read manuals when I buy products (before turning the device on) but I don't think this qualifies.

Anyhow to earn the "Car Care" badge you have do several items to that cover this subject.

She first interviewed my mother because my mom was in charge of a fleet of cars when she worked for Roche Biomedical. My mother told her about maintenance schedules and the like which she really enjoyed.

So she taught her troop about schedules and emergency bags for the winter that all cars should have. The kit included kitty litter! Did you know that you are supposed to have kitty litter on hand so that if you get stuck in snow you can sprinkle it in front of your tires to give you more friction? I am SO learning.

The best part of her meeting was the trip to Springdale Automotive off US 42 near Goshen Elementary. Jeff, the very kind manager, offered to give a safety inspection on my car (which I happened to fail in 2 categories). The girls were enthralled to say the least. I've been with these girls for at least 3 years and this is the most excited that I've seen them.

Jeff was FABULOUS! He taught the kids how to check the oil, tire pressure, radiator fluid, brake fluid, and many other things. I was learning too! After all I did have a headlight out AND my tire pressure was low!

After the safety inspection Lily interviewed Jeff and he answered the questions with such honesty. One of the questions was, "Has their ever been any girl mechanics at your store?" and Jeff replied that yes indeed there had been. She had been in the military working in maintenance so when she got out she came to work at Springdale. She has since relocated out of the city but Jeff said she was a GREAT mechanic. Lily confessed in the car that she really liked fixing things and that she may want to be a mechanic too. I told her.."You go girl...Whatever you want to be just be a good one" of my most favorite quotes from Abe Lincoln.

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