Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Venice, Italy Day 8 of Katie's European Trip

Wednesday, June 16, 2010 Day 8 (It seems longer than 8 days!) of Katie's Trip-VENICE, ITALY!!

I haven't gotten to talk to Katie today and I figured that would probably be the case due to her Venice, Italy schedule. She had a jam packed day full of exciting adventures. Here is a quick glance at what she got to do today:

She got to enjoy one of life's greatest pleasures and take a ride in a real gondola! While passing "Canale Grande" (Grand Canal) and narrow channels she got to see the Guggenheim Museum, the "Fenice Theater," and Mozart's Venice Residence!!

The Fenice Theater is pictured to the left and I'm amazed and I'm not even there to experience it.
Also her guide took her to explore the bustling alleys, quaint bridges (there is 450 of them in the city!), and narrow canals (180 of them in the city!).

For lunch they were supposed to dine on the patio at Al Giardinetto da Severino. Her lunch was going to be Brushetta (which I'm sure is even more divine in Venice), Pasta with Four Cheese Sauce, and a yummy fruit dessert. Below is a picture of the patio at the restaurant.
After lunch they continued on to see the stunning Basilica San Marco which is the cathedral church of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Venice. It is the most famous of the city's churches and one of the best known examples of Byzantine architecture.

The Bridge of Sigh was also on their list of things to see (see pic to the right). Supposedly they call it that because the bridge connects the interrogation room to the prison. The prisoners would supposedly 'sigh' as they went toward prison.

At the end of their day they ventured to the island of Murano, Italy. Most people know that it is very famous for it's glass making. Katie was ferried to the island where she was taking part in an informative presentation on making glass. She was going to learn each step - from the composition to the polishing of the glass. Here are a few pics of Murano & their glass.

For dinner the Delegates were going to get to choose where they wanted to go eat so I have no clue but I'm sure it was delicious.

Their hotel lobby is to the left. They are only staying here one night. I'm a huge gal and this hotel was #5 out of 35 so I'm sure Katie was pleased. I can't remember if I told her about bidets...I wish I could have seen her face when she found out what they were.

Tomorrow she is on her way to Montecatini, Italy!

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