Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Funny Things Our Kiddos Have Said Recently...

Ben: "Mom, my favorite Star Wars movie is #4." Me: "Ooh, I saw that one when I was about your age. I wanted to be Princess Leah." Ben: "So you must have seen it in black and white." Me: "Huh??!"

Lily: "Mom did you know that if you don't have a door handle on your heart then Jesus cannot come in? He has to be invited by us." Me: Dumbfounded and asked her to tell me more!

Ben: "Mom, can you call Mr. Ricky (the bus driver)and tell him that you don't want me to sit with troublemakers?"

Katie: Well I don't have much from her because of her "maturity." She says "OMG" a lot and that stands for "oh my gosh" for those of you that do not have a preteen.

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