Thursday, September 4, 2008

Lily's Commercial Debut

Here is how Lily became a "star" without trying.

Michael had gone to Norton Commons on a Thursday night with the kiddos while I was out showing property. A scout was out milling about the crowd and stopped him to see if he would like to appear in a Norton Commons commercial with his children. Of course Katie and Lily overheard the conversation and got extemely Michael said sure. They took a picture of him and the kids on the spot.

We were notified several days later of the time and date of the shoot. Unfortunately Michael had to be in Lexington that day so I had to fill in for him. And I could actually hear a hint of disappointment from the scout so I was really hesitant showing up. I think they really needed another man in the shoot.

So we showed up and they treated Katie, Lily, and Ben like stars (their perspective of course). They braided Lily's hair (she was smiling the whole time) and brushed Katie & Ben's hair. The look on their faces were priceless!

After a hour of set prep they starting shooting. Katie was playing soccer in the grass, Ben was riding his bike with another kiddo, and Lily was scooting down the sidewalk.

I had been warning them that they might not be in the commercial at all because sometimes the director cuts out shots so I think that helped a bit when the commercial was finally released.

As you can see in the commercial, Lily is the only one featured clearly. She is the girl on the scooter at the very end of the commercial. Katie and Ben can be seen in the background (we only know it is them because we were there) in one shot. But clearly Lily had the primo spot in Katie & Ben's opinion.

Lily is on cloud nine!

Here is the link:

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