Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Should Have Watched More "Little House on the Prairie"

Hurrican Ike caused our family and many others to be without power for 7 long days. And yes that means 7 days of NO school too!! Who would have thought that Louisville, Kentucky would be affected by 70 mph winds from a hurricane...a tornado yes but hurricane no!

I quickly learned several things during the power outage week:

1. I depend on the internet & computer way too much.

2. I should have spent more money on a gas stove when we built the house 3 years ago. Of course that is what I preferred but our budget would not allow it by the time we got to the kitchen.

3. I really enjoy a candle lit meal but rarely has our family done it.

4. I absolutely love Michael for the decision he made 3 years ago...he chose the gas water heater instead of the electric...we had HOT showers!

5. If you depend on candles for your only means of light for the duration of a week then you will need more than 3 large candles. We bought 7 more.

6. I forgot how much fun running around the golf course can be for kids with only flashlights to see their way. Of course we had some injuries but mainly you heard squeals of laughter.

7. "Kick the Can" is still one of my all time favorite outdoor games.

8. I have no idea how long it will be before I can look at an outdoor grill without feeling disgust...enough with the hotdogs & made up "grilled" food...ugh!

9. I really love electricity!!

Day 1-5 was not too bad besides losing all of our food in the frig & freezer. But on Day 6 & 7 our family decided enough was enough! We needed some real food and the closest place we could go was Michael's parent's houses in Lexington, KY. In just 75 minutes we had electricity & delicious home-cooked meals....thank you Mike & Pam!

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