Sunday, June 27, 2010

Athens, Greece - Day 17,18, and 19 of Katie's European Trip

Friday, Saturday, & Sunday - June 25/26/27, 2010 Day 17/18/19 of Katie's Trip-ATHENS, GREECE!
On FRIDAY, Katie got a guided tour of the famous theatre of Epidaurus! The theater was built (I think) around 3 rd Century BC. The theater is marveled for its exceptional acoustics, which permit almost perfect intelligibility of the unamplified spoken word from the stage to all 15,000 spectators, regardless of their seating! Evidently the Greeks would ask the gods for remedies for their physical ailments. It was a healing center as well as a cultural center in ancient times.

Also on today's agenda was for the delegates to attend a Sports Camp where they were to mingle with Greek teens/children.

After the sports camp Katie got to take part in a service project in Glyfada near Athens. The "Archelon Association" takes care for the protection of sea turtles - Caretta Caretta, especially for the preservation of their natural living space and the existing of their species.
I wish I could tell you more about what Katie experienced on this day but we did not get to talk to her. But I'm sure she had fun.

Katie is staying at the London Hotel in Athens (section is called Glyfada). It is a popular and famous coastal region, often referred to as the "Greek Riviera", it is located along the coast of Athens. It is a place that is full of entertainment, where you can find a huge selection of restaurants, both Greek and international. Glyfada is also a popular shopping district in Athens, and here should have been able to find a huge selection of shops, including some of the famous name shops and outlets, as well as a unique array of small boutique shops. (She had 50 Euros left so I'm sure she will be spending her last dollars here).

On SATURDAY, Katie got a guided tour to the majestic Acropolis as well as the Parthenon which symbolizes the glory of ancient Greece. The first picture is a recreation model of what Acropolis probably looked like and the picture on the right is more of what Katie got to see.

Katie got to walk the older part of Athens (Plaka) with her delegation leader and have free time, relax, and enjoy her surroundings.

In the evening Katie was supposed to go to the public school of Zografou and learn the traditional Greek dances. Then the professional dancers were going to perform a traditional folkloric dance show.

SUNDAY- Today is BEACH DAY! Katie gets to enjoy the day on the beach with swimming & sports activities. Their hotel faced the Saronic Bay/Gulf which is part of the Aegeon Sea but I'm not sure what beach they were going to.

When we last spoke to Katie she was getting excited about coming home. She said the 1st thing she wants to do when she gets back in the USA is.....
VISIT THE GOLDEN ARCHES...MCDONALDS!! Was she serious?? We hardly eat there (maybe once a month) and this is what she is craving!! I was shocked! She said she wants some grease. So now I'm envisioning an even skinnier Katie when she gets off the plane. I know they ate really good food but I guess she wants some "junk."
Tomorrow she will begin her journey back home and we all are very excited to see her again. I hope I can contain my excitement as she comes through the gates.

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