Tuesday, June 22, 2010

ROME, ITALY - Day 13 of Katie's European Trip

Monday, June 21, 2010 Day 13 of Katie's Trip-ROME, ITALY!Today was a very long yet amazing day for Katie. She got to visit the capital of Catholicism and the world's smallest state, the Vatican! Being Catholic made this part of her trip especially special to us as her parents and we were so happy to hear her comments about this part of her trip. She said she was speechless when she saw how old yet amazingly beautiful this city was. Again she was extremely exhausted at 11:30 p.m. (Italy time) when she called so I didn't get the entire scoop.

The day began in Vatican City and they started at St. Peter's Cathedral. St. Peter’s Basilica is the most famous or well admired church across the globe that attracts visitors from all over the world. The pious tomb of St Peter is just underneath the high altar. This exotic architectural landmark was designed by Michealangelo and his extremely talented team in the monumental phase of 16th and beginning of 17th century. Katie said at times they welcome over 50,000 worshippers at a time.
She also got to see the famous Michelangelo's glorious Pieta sculpture (1499) in St. Peter's.

When Katie got to the Sistine Chapel she wasn't allowed to video or take pictures but I got these from the internet. We had Katie on speaker phone this particular time and Ben wanted to make sure that she got to see his favorite piece of artwork..."The creation of Adam" section on the ceiling of the Chapel. He just loves that scene...God with Adam. I think you would have to have binoculars to really see it well in person.

For lunch they ate at Vito e Dina. She had pasta and Gelato! I'm seeing a reoccurring theme here.

After dining continued on their city of Rome tour. It included the Piazza Navona, the Pantheon (I'm wondering how Katie reacted to learning what used to happen here), the Spanish Steps, and the Trevi Fountain. I had to look up the Spanish Steps...never had heard of them.

After hearing Katie briefly describe her events for the day I could totally understand her exhaustion level. Although I'm not sure how much sleep she actually got that night because her hotel was next to a bar. While she was on the balcony of her hotel room I could hear the noise...great...hoping she didn't hear/see too much on the balcony.

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