Friday, June 11, 2010

Paris, France - Day 3 of Katie's European Trip

Friday, June 11 - Day 3 of Katie's European Trip with People to People (Paris, France)

We did not receive a call from Katie today so this update comes from her delegation leader, Gretchen. Gretchen sent out a very short email to all of the parents saying that today was a very, very busy day and the kids were extremely tired.
This was Katie's activities today:

This morning she started bright and early for a guided exploration of one of the most important art collections in the world, the famous Musee du Louvre. She visited principal parts of the museum - including a look at Leonardo's masterpiece, Mona Lisa. I cannot wait to hear all about this amazing piece of history. I'm sure Katie is taking loads of pictures and I will share those as soon as I get them.

One of her other highlights of the day was when she got to eat lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe Paris. She had a Cheeseburger with French Fries and Hard Rock Cafe Ice Cream.

For dinner she ate Cordon Bleu! I'm not sure of what the restaurant was called but I think it was called Latina Lounge.

Her delegatation leader also said that they spent alot of their day at the famous avenue called "Champs-Elysees", stretching from Concorde Square to the Triumph's Arch.
And to top of her afternoon her delegation met with their private French tutor at Fragonard Museum. Her tutor helped them with simple French phrases to aide them while they are visiting France. I can't wait to hear what Katie has learned to say!!

Katie may call us tomorrow night but of course she may not due to the time change or her schedule. But I know she is having a great time!

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