Thursday, June 10, 2010

Paris, France - Day 2 of Katie's European Trip

Thursday, June 10 - Day 2 of Katie's European Trip with People to People (via Katie's phone conversation with us at 3:38 p.m. EST/9:38 p.m. Paris time)

This morning 6:30 a.m. Paris time (12:35 a.m. EST) Katie got off the plane, gathered her luggage, and ate a small breakfast. She said she did not sleep on either flight so she was very, very tired. Nonetheless, after a quick breakfast, the bus came and she left for Versailles, France to tour the magnificent Chateau de Versailles. She said she took ALOT of pictures and was in awe of how enormous this castle was. She said the doors were made of solid gold. I could tell she was floored by this fact.

I wanted to ask her more questions about this historical site but Lily really wanted to talk to her. Lily's first question was: "Have you seen any hairy armpits yet?" And Katie responded, "Not yet, but in the bus I smelled a lot of body odor." Well at least Lily will not require Katie to take the armpit hair picture anymore!

They ate lunch at Au Fou du Roy in Versailles. She ate philo pastry with cheese, Pork with sauce and tomatoes Provencial. And for dessert she had her cream. She said it was good but tasted a lot different than American ice cream.

After they left Versailles they boarded a bus in which Katie said she fell asleep for about 30 minutes. No surprise since she had been up for over 24 hours!!

After lunch they went to the largest shopping district in Paris, France. She said she could not recall the name but many Hollywood Stars shop there. She really liked that experience as well. She said it was hard to believe she was so far from home and that she really was in Paris. She said she thinks tomorrow she will 'feel' the reality more.

The dined at Leon de Bruxelles Porte Maillot. She said, "You'll never guess what I had for dinner??" and I could tell by her voice that it was something really different. She said, "Duck...and it was pretty good!" For dessert she had a waffle like pastry. The only negative she mentioned was that it was really hard to find a water fountain. Katie loves water so I'm sure this is really hard for her. I told her to make sure she stays hydrated with water bottles.

After dinner I believe they retreated to their hotel to 'hit the hay.' She is bunking with three other girls and she could not recall their names yet. She said the rooms were smaller but they are only staying one night. Here is a picture of their hotel:

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