Saturday, June 12, 2010

Paris & a small town called Chartres, France - Day 4 of Katie's European Trip

Saturday, June 12 - Day 4 of Katie's European Trip with People to People (Paris & Chartres, France)

Katie called us today around 3:45 p.m. EST and it was perfect timing because her Aunt Lori and cousins Emily and Madeline were at our house.

We had Katie on speaker phone so she could share her experiences with us all. Today was a huge day for her. She had to be ready at 7 a.m. in the lobby for her first event.

First they had a French guide that took them on a tour of the city that Ernest Hemingway called a "moveable feast." Katie informed us that "jet lag" was kicking in today so she actually slept for 30 minutes during this "guide." What she could remember was the artist district of Paris. She said she was shocked at how busy everything weaving in and out of cars in traffic, bicycles everywhere, buses, walkers, etc. And she was surprised to see all of the cafes and how cheap the bread was in Paris. She said bread is found everywhere and it is served at just about every meal. She said it was delicious!!

She said they had lunch at Flam's Colisee. She said the ritual is the same everywhere they eat. First you get your drinks (which she said tastes different than the U.S.), then they bring bread (which she says is YUMMY!), then an appetizer, then the entree, and then dessert. At Flam's she had a traditional French meal, Flammkuchen, which is very similar to American Pizza but Katie said it tasted a lot different. What she loved about French pizza was that it wasn't greasy! Katie & Lily always take napkins and take off the grease on American Pizza. Then for dessert she ate Flammkuchen but instead of mushrooms & onions on the flat bread there was chocolate or cinnamon apples.

Finally she said nothing compared to her trip to the Eiffel Tower. She said it was just unbelievable! On the elevator ride up to the very top she said that they were giggling with excitement and she said two other elevator passengers said, "Americans." So Katie and the other delegates that she was with got quiet because they could tell they were not saying it in a positive tone. Lily asked her if the French were rude or nice and Katie said they she had encountered very nice French people and very rude French people. So I guess they are like Americans as well...I know very nice ones and very rude ones!

Katie said she took many, many pictures of the top of the tower. She said she was amazed to see how large Paris looked from the top and to see how many old yet beautiful buildings were below her.

So when their Eiffel Tower time was ending her delegation leader asked them who wanted to go down the elevator and who wanted to go down the stairs. Well guess who wanted to go down the entire flight of stairs....Katie! Katie said it was something she couldn't pass up...climb down 1,666 stairs of the Eiffel Tower!! Wow...she'll never forget that!

After the Eiffel Tower and they did more strolling around Paris. Katie said they came to some boutiques and one of them said "Chanel" which Katie said she knew was really expensive because there was a door man at the front of the store opening, closing, carrying bags for shoppers. She said a few girls (including herself) got curious and went inside to check out the shopping. What is funny about this story is that Katie said they didn't stay long because she looked at a rack of clothes and checked out the tag for a long sleeved shirt. She said the tag said 2,000 Euros which meant too expensive!! She said they left pretty soon after that but at least she can say she was actually there.

She said the they headed to the countryside (about 90 miles away from Paris) to a city called Chartres. They had dinner at the hotel in Chartres and then they all decided to go swimming at the hotel pool. The weather has been fairly good since their trip...mid to low 70's. Today was sunny and no rain so they took advantage of the pool.

Stay tuned for Sunday's activities...and it involves some 'juggling.'

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