Sunday, June 13, 2010

Chartres, France - Day 5 of Katie's European Trip

Sunday, June 13 - Day 5 of Katie's European Trip with People to People (Chartres, France)

Katie called us today at 4:45 p.m. EST (10:45 p.m. France time) and shared with us briefly her day. She said she is staying at a place where artists used to gather/paint/retreat a long time ago. She said the food was so-so at this place...not as good as Paris though.

Today Katie spent most of her day at a circus training school. She tried to explain to us what tricks she learned and what stunts she did but we could not quite understand all that she was saying. She said she took a lot of pictures and a video to share with us so we could experience it too.

She sounded very tired on the phone today so the phone call was short.

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