Friday, June 25, 2010

Patras, Peloponnesus, & Olympia Greece - Day 16 of Katie's European Trip

Thursday, 2010 Day 16 of Katie's Trip-PELOPNNESUS & ISTHMIA, GREECE!
Katie is now in GREECE! This is the country that Michael and I have as our #1 place to visit overseas before we are 45 years old list!!

I wish I could say that I have spoken to Katie but I have not. We haven't talked since Wednesday but I know she is fine because we follow her on the People to People site.

Her overnight ferry arrived in Patras, Greece on Thursday morning. I know that they usually hit the ground running regardless if you get a good night's sleep.

They left Patras and got a guided tour of Olympia, where the Olympic Games took place in 776 BC. At ancient Olympia, Katie saw the ruins of the Temple of Zeus (one of the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World), as well as a 3rd century BC athletic stadium. This past school year Katie learned about ancient Greek history so I can't wait to hear what she thought about actually getting to see these sites!

For lunch Katie went to Calypso and got to eat the REAL deal...Greek Salad (I'm salivating), Pastitsi (have no idea what this is but I'm sure it is divine), and Ice Cream.

They stayed in Isthmia, Greece for the night at Prime Isthmia. Isthmia is not far from Athens which is where Katie will be next.

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